
E8 Eric Appel

This week on Dealing in Design we have gone International

I know I say this every episode but… I am especially excited about this week’s guest!

Mainly becausethis week’s guest is not from Australia! That’s right it is international weekon Dealing in Design and our guest is Eric Appel from Appel Modern. Eric Appelis located at 306 East 61ST Street,  New York.

EricAppel deals in Twentieth Century Modern Furniture and Decorative Arts. The gallery specializes in items from 1940 to the present and is knownfor French, Italian, and American post-war designers with a focus onunique pieces and strong sculptural form.

Eric is an artist turned decorative artsdealer and he is renowned for his razor-sharp eye. This was one interview I really enjoyedlistening back to because I would pick up more and more with each listen. Eric has a tremendous knowledge of history and design, which and I feel we have only just scratched the surface. Please enjoy this wide-ranging conversation with this truely gifted dealer, Eric Appel.